Time magazine study shows that iWONDERCOOK is a thing of a future
The article in Time magazine (http://time.com/4863064/amazon-meal-kits-blue-apron-cooking/) shows us that iWONDERCOOK technology is...

Noodles from iWONDERCOOK
Here are several noodles prepared using iWONDERCOOK robotic chef & meal kits.

Our soups
We are starting a new line of posts to show off the real capabilities of our technology. All meals featured here have been prepared by...

True cost of a meal.
Time is the most valuable asset we posses. However, we often ignore this fact when it comes to house chores. But what if we tried...

Importance of proper storage in reducing food waste
Many of us throw away fresh produce because of past due expiration date AND/OR spoilage resulting from poor packaging. As the result...

Staying on top of food industry trends.
When we started to work on iWONDERCOOK, we thought of the robotic chef as a gateway for healthy home cooked meals for those people who...

Effects of the mood on our senses
Intro from iWONDERCOOK: The following article will show you that in cooking (of all things) electronic processor can do a better job by...